Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 256GB Encrypted USB | FIPS 197 | AES-256bit | BadUSB Attack Protection | Multi-Password Options | IKVP50/256GB

KingstonSKU: SY7288766

Size: 128GB
Style: USB-C
Sale price$198.00


Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 256GB Encrypted USB | FIPS 197 | AES-256bit | BadUSB Attack Protection | Multi-Password Options | IKVP50/256GB

Introducing the Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 256GB Encrypted USB, a cutting-edge solution for safeguarding your sensitive data with top-of-the-line encryption and security features.

  • FIPS 197 Certified: Ensures the highest level of security with XTS-AES 256-bit encryption, meeting strict government standards for data protection.
  • Brute Force and BadUSB Attack Protection: Defends against unauthorized access attempts and malicious firmware manipulation, guaranteeing the integrity of your data.
  • Multi-Password Option: Customize your security with complex and passphrase modes, allowing you to select the level of protection that suits your needs.
  • New Passphrase Mode: Enhance your security measures with the latest passphrase mode for an additional layer of protection.
  • Dual Read-Only (Write-Protect) Settings: Conveniently switch to read-only mode to prevent accidental data modification, ensuring the safety of your information.

Technical Details:

Description: Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 Type-C® drives offer business-grade security, featuring FIPS 197 certified AES 256-bit hardware encryption in XTS mode. The device includes defenses against BadUSB attacks through digitally-signed firmware and protection against Brute Force password attacks.

How to Install:

Simply plug the Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 into your USB port and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your desired security settings and passwords. The device is ready to use immediately after setup.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is the Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems?
A: Yes, this encrypted USB is compatible with both Mac and Windows, providing cross-platform security for your data.

Q: Can I use the Multi-Password Option simultaneously on different devices?
A: Yes, you can set up and use the Multi-Password Option on various devices, ensuring consistent security protocols across your platforms.

Q: How long does it take to switch to Read-Only mode on the Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50?
A: Switching to Read-Only mode is instant and can be done with a simple configuration change, providing immediate protection against accidental data alterations.

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